Contributor’s Guide

Contributor’s Guide#

The Echoshader team welcomes contributions to improve the capability to interactively visualize large volumes of cloud-based ocean sonar data and accelerate the data exploration and discovery process. This project goes hand-in-hand with ongoing development of the echopype package that handles the standardization, pre-processing, and organization of these data. The visualizations in echoshader are based on the HoloViz suite of Python tools, which can be either displayed in Jupyter notebooks or combined in Panel dashboards, hence familiarity with those libraries will be helpful. Contributions can take any form: testing, contributing features, improving documentation, and creating visualization examples.

Getting Started#

  1. Read the documentation

  • Install echoshader and run the example notebooks

  • Report any existing issues (first check if the problem has been already reported)

  • Look through existing issues and identify ones that you can contribute to (the tag good-first-issue can be a good starting point)

  • Comment on an issue with the intent to work on a task and get feedback from maintainers

  • Create a draft pull request with your work in progress, so your development is visible even before being completed (we use the fork workflow)

Additional Resources#

Some useful resources for getting started with the proposed visualization tools: