Design Structure Overview#

The Echoshader class acts as the controller that handles user interactions through widgets, triggers the necessary data updates, and updates the view accordingly. It achieves this through the use of callbacks and stream methods provided by libraries like Holoviews and Panel.

There are 3 levels designed in the structure demonstrated below. image

1st Level - High-order wrapper (Echoshader class)#

The Echoshader class serves as a comprehensive visualization toolset for analyzing acoustic data. It offers various visualization techniques such as echograms, tracks, curtains, histograms, and tables. Users can interactively explore the data by controlling parameters via interactive widgets.

Class Definition and Initialization#

  • The Echoshader class is defined, inheriting from param.Parameterized, enabling easy integration of interactive parameters.

  • The constructor (__init__) initializes the instance and sets up initial values for parameters.

  • The _init_widget method creates interactive widgets that control visualization parameters.

  • The _init_param method initializes additional parameters and streams required for visualization updates.

Visualization Methods#

  • Methods are defined to generate different types of plots: echograms, tracks, curtains, histograms, and tables.

  • These methods accept parameters that determine the plot’s appearance and data selection.

  • The param.depends decorator is used to specify dependencies on widget values and other parameters.

  • These methods internally invoke helper functions that create the actual visualizations.

Callbacks and Streams#

  • Callback methods are defined, such as _update_gram_box, triggered when gram box bounds change.

  • Stream objects (e.g., holoviews.streams.BoundsXY and custom box_stream) connect user interactions to callbacks.

  • Streams trigger callback methods when users interact with the visualization (e.g., selecting a box).

Data Retrieval#

  • A method get_data_from_box retrieves data selected by a box in the visualization.

2nd Level - Callback Functions (Decorators and Stream Methods)#

  • Decorators and stream methods are used to create callbacks that update plots when widget values or parameters change.

  • For example, _update_gram_box is a callback method triggered when gram box bounds update.

  • Stream objects facilitate user interactions by invoking corresponding callback methods.

3rd Level - Plotting Functions#

  • Functions (_echogram_plot, _tricolor_echogram_plot, _track_plot, _tile_plot, _curtain_plot, _hist_plot, _table_plot) generate specific types of plots.

  • These functions are called within Echoshader class methods to create actual visualizations.

  • Libraries like Holoviews and Panel are used to generate and display plots.

  • Customization options and parameters are available for the generated plots.

Xarray Extensions Using Accessors#

Extending xarray using accessors refers to the process of adding custom functionality and methods to xarray objects by creating and registering custom accessors.

This approach is particularly useful when we have domain-specific operations or manipulations that apply to xarray objects without cluttering your code with custom functions. It keeps code modular, maintainable, and helps leverage the power of xarray for your specific use case.

We write a custom “eshader” accessor. You could use accessor to get echograms


Or you could just create a new echoshader object

eg = Echogram(MVBS_ds)